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Modular provides tools make unit testing and route and injection integration easier. In this session we'll learn how to do this.

First you need add the modular_test to pubspec.yaml:

modular_test: any


Flutter's CLI has a tool that makes package installation easier in the project. Use the command:

flutter pub add --dev modular_test

Route Test

We can replace the navigation object with a Mock/Fake by injecting the Modular.navigatorDelegate property:

class ModularNavigateMock extends Mock implements IModularNavigator {}

void main(){
final navigate = ModularNavigateMock();
Modular.navigatorDelegate = navigate;

Prefer to use Mockito or Mocktail to create mocks.


To get navigate History use Modular.navigatorDelegate.navigateHistory

Injection Test

The safest way possible to inject dependencies is to test if the Bind construction happens as expected, then we'll need to check this through the test.

The modular_test package has some tools to initializing modules and replacing binds with mock. Let's take look at the example below:

class MyModule extends Module {

List<Bind> get binds => [
Bind.factory<Dio>((i) => Dio())
Bind.factory((i) => XPTOEmail(i()))
Bind.factory<EmailService>((i) => XPTOEmailService(i()))
Bind.singleton((i) => Client(i()))
class DioMock extends Mock implements DioForNative {}

final dioMock = DioMock();

initModule(MyModule(), replaceBinds: [

In order for a bind to be eligible for replacement, the Bind MUST have the type declared in the Bind constructor. (ex: Bind<MyObjectType>());